The Culture Newspaper: A Historic Trove Of Ancient Roman And British Coins Is Headed To Auction

The Cope Collection of Roman and British coins includes rare and significant examples that...
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Artnet News: A Historic Trove of Ancient Roman and British Coins Is Headed to Auction

The rare collection will be up for auction in Zurich in May and October....
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City Rumors: Monete rare, alcune valgono quanto una casa: tra queste ci sono anche delle vecchie lire

Esistono delle monete rare che possono valere quasi quanto un appartamento: la conferma sorprende...
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Arts Life: In asta la Cope Collection, con monete romane e britanniche di qualità museale

Una delle raccolte di monete britanniche e romane tra le più rare e ricercate...
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Verified News Explorer: One of Britain’s rarest coins EVER goes under the hammer and could sell for £595,000

One of the rarest and most valuable British coins in existence will soon be...
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This is Money: One of Britain’s rarest coins EVER goes under the hammer and could sell for £595,000

One of Britain’s rarest coins EVER goes under the hammer and could sell for...
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Le Notizie 24: Asta imperdibile: tre rare monete dell’antica Roma, inclusa un sesterzio con l’imperatore Adriano in Britannia

Il mercato delle monete antiche è sempre stato affascinante per gli appassionati di storia...
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