All’asta tre rare monete dell’antica Roma, c’è anche un sesterzio con Adriano in Britannia

AGI – Tre rarissime monete dell’antica Roma fanno parte di una collezione che andrà all’asta a...
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Metropolitano: All’asta tre rare monete dell’antica Roma

I tre esemplari fanno parte della Cope Collection. Una di queste è un sesterzio...
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Tuttonotizie: All’asta tre rare monete dell’antica Roma, c’è anche un sesterzio con Adriano in Britannia

AGI – Tre rarissime monete dell’antica Roma fanno parte di una collezione che andrà all’asta a...
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AGI: All’asta tre rare monete dell’antica Roma, c’è anche un sesterzio con Adriano in Britannia

I tre pezzi fanno parte della Cope Collection, comprensiva di 170 monete dell’antica Roma...
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The Scotsman: Mary Queen of Scots: Two ‘exceedingly rare’ 16th-century coins for sale

The two silver coins showing the Queen’s head will be sold in Zurich, along...
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Art Daily: The Cope Collection: Rare coins bearing witness to powerful moments in British and Roman history to be auctioned

LONDON.- The Cope Collection, a collection of coins comprising rare and highly sought-after British...
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The Amed Post: ‘I inherited an extremely rare coin collection — now they could sell for £1million’

The Amed Post The face of a Roman noblewoman, a well-fed King Henry VIII,...
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Daily Express: ‘I inherited an extremely rare coin collection — now they could sell for £1million’

EXCLUSIVE: An extremely rare collection of coins, some of which are the finest known...
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Arts & Collections: British and Roman Coins to be Sold in Zurich

An outstanding collection of British and Roman coins is to be put up for...
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The Times: From Hadrian to Henry: coin collection to sell for millions

The haul, amassed over 50 years, charts almost two millennia and includes an example...
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